
Slide scanner

BIIGLE is a web-based software for image and video annotation that enables collaborative research on large datasets. It offers tools for manual and computer-assisted annotation, quality control and the collaboration on custom taxonomies to describe objects. BIIGLE is freely available and can be installed in cloud environments, a local network or on mobile platforms during research expeditions. The public instance on biigle.de is free for non-commercial use.


CellStich proposes a set of tools for 3D segmentation from 2D segmentation: it reassembles 2D labels obtained from cell in slices in unique 3D labels across slices. It isparticularly robust to anisotropy, and is the ideal companion to cellpose 2D models or other 2D deep learning based models. One could also think about using it for cell tracking by overlap (using time as a third dimension).


MATLAB app to characterize nanoparticles imaged with super-resolution microscopy. nanoFeatures will read text and csv files from the NIKON and ONI microscopes and from the ThunderSTORM Fiji plugin, then cluster the localizations and filter by size and sphericity and finally output nanoparticle features like size, aspect ratio, and number of localizations per cluster (total and for each channel).

GUI first tab to browse and input files, select input type and check extra filters if needed.

Machine Learning made easy

APEER ML provides an easy way to train your own machine learning
models and segment your microscopy images. No expertise or coding required.




Viv is a JavaScript library providing utilities for rendering primary imaging data. Viv supports WebGL-based multi-channel rendering of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal images. The rendering components of Viv are provided as Deck.gl layers, facilitating image composition with existing layers and updating rendering properties within a reactive paradigm.

Rendering a pyramidal, multiplexed immunofluorescence OME-TIFF image of a human kidney using additive blending to render four image channels into a single RGB image in the client.