Cell tracking


CellStich proposes a set of tools for 3D segmentation from 2D segmentation: it reassembles 2D labels obtained from cell in slices in unique 3D labels across slices. It isparticularly robust to anisotropy, and is the ideal companion to cellpose 2D models or other 2D deep learning based models. One could also think about using it for cell tracking by overlap (using time as a third dimension).


ELEPHANT is a platform for 3D cell tracking, based on incremental and interactive deep learning.
It implements a client-server architecture. The server is built as a web application that serves deep learning-based algorithms. The client application is implemented by extending Mastodon, providing a user interface for annotation, proofreading and visualization.

from https://elephant-track.github.io/#/v0.5/?id=_5-proofreading

btrack is a Python library for multi object tracking, used to reconstruct trajectories in crowded fields. btrack implemented a residual U-Net model coupledd with a classification CNN to allow accurate instance segmentation of the cell nuclei. To track the cells over time and through cell divisions, btrack developed a Bayesian cell tracking methodology that uses input features from the images to enable the retrieval of multi-generational lineage information from a corpus of thousands of hours of live-cell imaging data.

need a thumbnail

This workflow describes a deep-learning based pipeline for reliable single-organoid segmentation and tracking in 2D+t high-resolution brightfield microscopy of mouse mammary epithelial organoids. The pipeline involves a four-layer U-Net to infer semantic segmentation predictions, adaptive morphological filtering to establish candidate organoid instances, and a shape-similarity-constrained, instance-segmentation-correcting tracking step to associate the corresponding organoid instances in time.

It is particularly focused on automatically detecting an organoid located approximately in the center of the first frame and track all its subsequent instances in the remaining frames, emphasizing on accurate organoid boundary delineation. Furthermore, segmentation network was trained using plausible pix2pixHD-generated bioimage data. Syntheric image simulator code and data are also available here.

Adapted from https://cbia.fi.muni.cz/research/spatiotemporal/organoids.html