

The method proposed in this paper is a robust combination of multi-task learning and unsupervised domain adaptation for segmenting amoeboid cells in microscopy. This end-to-end framework provides a consolidated mechanism to harness the potential of multi-task learning to isolate and segment clustered cells from low contrast brightfield images, and it simultaneously leverages deep domain adaptation to segment fluorescent cells without explicit pixel-level re- annotation of the data.

The entry-point to the codebase is the file. The user has the option to

  • Train the network on their own dataset
  • Load a pre-trained model and use that for inference on their own data
  • NoteThe provided pretrained model was trained on 256x256 images. Results on different resolutions could require fine-tuning This model is trained (supervised) on brightfield, and domain adapted to fluorescence data. The results are saved as 'inference.png'
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OrganoSeg is an open-source software that integrates segmentation, filtering, and analysis for breast-cancer spheroid and colon and colorectal-cancer organoid morphologies.

Figure 2 in OrganoSeg Scientific Reports publication

OrganoID is an image analysis platform that automatically recognizes, labels, and tracks single organoids, pixel-by-pixel, in brightfield and phase-contrast microscopy experiments. The platform was trained on images of pancreatic cancer organoids and validated on separate images of pancreatic, lung, colon, and adenoid cystic carcinoma organoids.

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JIPipe is a visual programming language to realize code-free workflow building for ImageJ-based image analyses. GUI, graphical user interface. Currently, JIPipe unifies the functionality of over 1,000 ImageJ commands into a standardized interface, represented as nodes in the pipeline flow chart. The window-based data management implemented in ImageJ is replaced with a table-based model designed for batch processing. JIPipe is also available from within the ImageJ update service.

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This workflow applies a Stardist pre-trained model (versatile_fluo or versatile_HE) depending on the input images ie. uses both models for a dataset including both fluorescence (grayscale or RGB where all channels are equal) and H&E stained (RGB where channels are not equal) images.

This version uses tensorflow CPU version (See Dockerfile) to ensure compatibility with a larger number of computers. A GPU version should be possible by adapting the Dockerfile with tensorflow-gpu and/or nvidia-docker images.

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