Object counting


3-D density kernel estimation (DKE-3-D) method, utilises an ensemble of random decision trees for counting objects in 3D images. DKE-3-D avoids the problem of discrete object identification and segmentation, common to many existing 3-D counting techniques, and outperforms other methods when quantification of densely packed and heterogeneous objects is desired. 


This notebook uses the rOMERO-gateway and EBImage to process an Image associated to the paper 'Timing of gene expression in a cell-fate decision system'.

The Image "Pos22" is taken from the dataset idr0040-aymoz-singlecell/experimentA/YDA306_AGA1y_PRM1r_Mating. It is a timelapse Image with 42 timepoints separated by 5 minutes. This Image is used to fit a model for the growth of the yeast cells. The notebook does not replicate any of the analysis of the above mentioned paper.

Its purpose is mainly to demonstrate the use of Jupyter, rOMERO-gateway and EBimage.


What it does:

  • For each time point of one movie:
    • Read the image for this time point  from the IDR
    • Threshold the images and count the cells using EBimage functions
  • Fit an exponential model to the count of cells against time to get a coefficient of grow (exponential factor)




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This one example workflow from the Cell Profiler(CP)  Examples . CP is commonly used to count cells or other objects as well as percent-positives, by measuring the per-cell staining intensity. This pipeline shows how to do both of these tasks, and demonstrates how various modules may be used to accomplish the same result. 

In a few words, it used the IdentifyPrimaryObject module of CellProfiler to detect nuclei from a channel (e.g DAPI), then again the same module on another channel to detect another probe (e.g some particular histone)  .

Then objects (nuclei) are related to the second object (Histone), to create a parent child-relation ship: where nuclei can have histone has child. Nuclei are then filtered according to the property of having histone (positive) or not having histone (negtiveobject) related to them.  If needed, nuclei can be expanded in order to include touching object rather than object inside only.

The percentage of positive nuclei vs total number of nuclei can then be computed using the CalculateMath Module.


An ImageJ plugin for DEFCoN, the fluorescence spot counter based on fully convolutional neural networks

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