Image segmentation

Image segmentation

Image segmentation is (one of) the (few) concept(s) on the border between Image (pre)processing (Image->Image) and Image analysis (Image->Data).


Fiji plugin to segment oocyte and zona pellucida contours from transmitted light images and extract hundreds of morphological features to describe numerically the oocyte. Segmentation is based on trained neural networks (U-Net) that were trained on both mouse and human oocytes (in prophase and meiosis I) acquired in different conditions. They are freely avaialable on the github repository and can be retrained if necessary. Oocytor also have options to extract hundreds of morphological/intensity features to characterize manually the oocyte (eg perimeter, texture...). These features can also be used in machine learning pipeline for automatic phenotyping.


EPySeg is a package for segmenting 2D epithelial tissues. EPySeg also ships with a graphical user interface that allows for building, training and running deep learning models.

Training can be done with or without data augmentation (2D-xy and 3D-xyz data augmentation are supported). EPySeg relies on the segmentation_models library. EPySeg source code is available here. Cloud version available here.

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ZeroCostDL4Mic: exploiting Google Colab to develop a free and open-source toolbox for Deep-Learning in microscopy

ZeroCostDL4Mic is a collection of self-explanatory Jupyter Notebooks for Google Colab that features an easy-to-use graphical user interface. They are meant to quickly get you started on learning to use deep-learning for microscopy. 

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Fractal is a framework to process high-content imaging data at scale and prepare it for interactive visualization. Fractal provides distributed workflows that convert TBs of image data into OME-Zarr files. The platform then processes the 3D image data by applying tasks like illumination correction, maximum intensity projection, 3D segmentation using cellpose and measurements using napari workflows. The pyramidal OME-Zarr files enable interactive visualization in the napari viewer.

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