Bioimage informatics

Bioimage analysis

Crop 2D/3D images with arbitrary box size and orientation(s).

The RotCrop Plugins for ImageJ allow to perform rotated crop of 2D/3D images. In fully manual versions, the crop can be defined based on crop dimensions, crop center, and rotation angle(s) of the crop frame (in 3D, three angles are necessary).

Additional plugins provides an estimate of the rotation based on the gradient vector computed around the crop frame center. The gradient direction is used as vertical direction in the result, making it easier to generate 2D/3D images that are tangent to a surface such as the epidermis of an organ or organism.

has function
Usage example of the Rotated Crop Plugin

Spine Analyzer allows to semi-automatically segment dendritic spines in 3D+t images and to measure their volumes and the intensities of the signal within in different channels over time.

Neurites with segmented dendritic spines

BIIGLE is a web-based software for image and video annotation that enables collaborative research on large datasets. It offers tools for manual and computer-assisted annotation, quality control and the collaboration on custom taxonomies to describe objects. BIIGLE is freely available and can be installed in cloud environments, a local network or on mobile platforms during research expeditions. The public instance on is free for non-commercial use.


TissUUmaps is a browser-based tool for fast visualization and exploration of millions of data points overlaying a tissue sample. TissUUmaps can be used as a web service or locally in your computer, and allows users to share regions of interest and local statistics.


Image segmentation and object detection performance measures

The goal of this package is to provide easy-to-use tools for evaluation of the performance of segmentation methods in biomedical image analysis and beyond, and to fasciliate the comparison of different methods by providing standardized implementations. This package currently only supports 2-D image data.

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