developmental biology


Fiji plugin to segment oocyte and zona pellucida contours from transmitted light images and extract hundreds of morphological features to describe numerically the oocyte. Segmentation is based on trained neural networks (U-Net) that were trained on both mouse and human oocytes (in prophase and meiosis I) acquired in different conditions. They are freely avaialable on the github repository and can be retrained if necessary. Oocytor also have options to extract hundreds of morphological/intensity features to characterize manually the oocyte (eg perimeter, texture...). These features can also be used in machine learning pipeline for automatic phenotyping.


CompuCell3D is a flexible scriptable modeling environment, which allows the rapid construction of sharable Virtual Tissue in-silico simulations of a wide variety of multi-scale, multi-cellular problems including angiogenesis, bacterial colonies, cancer, developmental biology, evolution, the immune system, tissue engineering, toxicology and even non-cellular soft materials. CompuCell3D models have been used to solve basic biological problems, to develop medical therapies, to assess modes of action of toxicants and to design engineered tissues. CompuCell3D intuitive and make Virtual Tissue modeling accessible to users without extensive software development or programming experience.

It uses Cellular Potts Model to model cell behavior.