

SuRVoS: Super-Region Volume Segmentation workbench

A volume is first partitioned into Super-Regions (superpixels or supervoxels) and then interactively segmented by the user providing training annotations. SuRVoS can then learn from and extend the annotations to the whole volume.

User interface of SuRVoS showing example annotation on soft x-ray tomography data

The ultimate goal of the NET framework is to make images of networks processable by computers. Therefore we want to have a pixel based image as input, as output we want a representation of the network visible in the image that retains as much information about the original network as possible. NET achives this by first segmenting the image and then vectorizing the network and then extracting information. The information we extract is

  • First and foremost the graph of the network. We find the crossings (nodes) and connections between crossings (edges) and therefore extract information about the neighborhood relations, the topology of the network.
  • We also extract the coordinates of all nodes which enables us to embed them into space. We therefore extract information about the geometry of the network.
  • Last but not least we track the radii of the edges in the extraction process. Therefore every edge has a radius which can be identified with its conductivity.

In the following we will first provide detailed instructions on how to install NET on several platforms. Then we describe the functionality and options of each of the four scripts that make up the NET framework.

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WND-CHARM is a multi-purpose image classifier that can be applied to a wide variety of image classification tasks without modifications or fine-tuning, and yet provides classification accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art task-specific image classifiers. WND-CHARM can extract up to ~3,000 generic image descriptors (features) including polynomial decompositions, high contrast features, pixel statistics, and textures. These features are derived from the raw image, transforms of the image, and compound transforms of the image (transforms of transforms). The features are filtered and weighted depending on their effectiveness in discriminating between a set of predefined image classes (the training set). These features are then used to classify test images based on their similarity to the training classes. This classifier was tested on a wide variety of imaging problems including biological and medical image classification using several imaging modalities, face recognition, and other pattern recognition tasks. WND-CHARM is an acronym that stands for "Weighted Neighbor Distance using Compound Hierarchy of Algorithms Representing Morphology."

Generated features

Scipion is an image processing framework for obtaining 3D models of macromolecular complexes using Electron Microscopy (3DEM). It integrates several software packages and presents a unified interface for both biologists and developers. Scipion allows you to execute workflows combining different software tools, while taking care of formats and conversions. Additionally, all steps are tracked and can be reproduced later on.