

QuickFit 3 is a data evaluation software for FCS Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and imagingFCS (imFCS) measurements, developed in the group B040 (Prof. Jörg Langowski) at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Actually QuickFit 3 itself is a project manager and all functionality is added as plugins. A set of tested plugins for FCS, imagingFCS and some microscopy-related image processing tasks is supplied together with the software.

has function


napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It’s designed for browsing, annotating, and analyzing large multi-dimensional images. It’s built on top of Qt (for the GUI), vispy (for performant GPU-based rendering), and the scientific Python stack (e.g. numpyscipy). It includes critical viewer features out-of-the-box, such as support for large multi-dimensional data, and layering and annotation. By integrating closely with the Python ecosystem, napari can be easily coupled to leading machine learning and image analysis tools (e.g. scikit-imagescikit-learnTensorFlowPyTorch), enabling more user-friendly automated analysis.


  • The installation procedure for Silicon Mac (M1 Processor, arm64 ) requires some tricks. As of Oct 2021, this procedure by Peter Sobolewski works but:
    • For installing pyqt5, use a slightly different command `brew install PyQt@5` to install PyQt5.  



OligoMacro Toolset, is an ImageJ macro-toolset aimed at isolating oligodendrocytes from wide-field images, tracking isolated cells, characterizing processes morphology along time, outputting numerical data and plotting them. It takes benefit of ImageJ built-in functions to process images and extract data, and relies on the R software in order to generate graphs.

need a thumbnail

Wavelet Toolbox™ provides apps and functions for the time-frequency analysis of signals and multiscale analysis of images.

need a thumbnail

ASAP allows to automatically detect, classify and quantify structures acquired by super resolution microscopy.