Digital histology

Digital pathology imaging

A deep-learning solution for stain color normalization in digital histology images

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ZEN and APEER – Open Ecosystem for integrated Machine-Learning Workflows

Open ecosystem for integrated machine-learning workflows to train and use machine-learning models for image processing and image analysis inside the ZEN software or on the APEER cloud-based platform

Highlights ZEN

  • Simple User Interface for Labeling and Training
  • Engineered Features Sets and Deep Feature Extraction + Random Forrest for Semantic Segmentation
  • Object Classification workflows
  • Probability Thresholds and Conditional Random Fields
  • Import your own trained models as *.czann files (see: czmodel · PyPI)
  • Import "AIModel Containes" from arivis AI for advanced Instance Segmentation
  • Integration into ZEN Measurement Framework
  • Support for Multi-dimensional Datasets and Tile Images
  • open and standardized format to store trained models
ZEN Intellesis Segmentation

ZEN Intellesis Segmentation - Training UI

ZEN Intellesis - Pretrained Networks

ZEN Intellesis Segmentation - Use Deep Neural Networks

Intellesis Object Classification

ZEN Object Classification

Highlights Aarivis AI

  • Web-based tool to label datasets to train Deep Neural Networks
  • Fully automated hyper-parameter tuning
  • Export of trained models for semantic segmentation and AIModelContainer for Instance Segmentation
Annotation Tool

APEER Annotation Tool


Orbit Image Analysis is a free open source software with the focus to quantify big images like whole slide scans.

It can connect to image servers, e.g. Omero.
Analysis can be done on your local computer or via scaleout functionality in a distrubuted computing environment like a Spark cluster.

Sophisticated image analysis algorithms incl. tissue quantification using machine learning, object segmentation and classification are build in. In addition a versatile API allows you to enhance Orbit and to run your own scripts.


The skin tools measure the thickness of the epidermis and the interdigitation index.

The input images are masks that represent the epidermis and that have been created from images of stained histological sections. The mask must touch the left and right border of the image. The dermal-epidermal border must be on the lower site of the image. The interdigitation index can be measured for one or more segments per image. As a measure of the thickness of the epidermis the lengths of a number of random line segments are measured. The line segments start at the lower border, are perpendicular to the lower border and end at the opposite border of the mask.

See installation Instructions on the website.

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Measure thickness from a mask

The Adipocytes Tools help to analyze fat cells in images from histological section. This is a rather general cell segmentation approach. It can be adapted to different situations via the parameters. This means that you have to find the right parameters for your application.

Sample Image: [0178_x5_3.tif](

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