


Viv is a JavaScript library providing utilities for rendering primary imaging data. Viv supports WebGL-based multi-channel rendering of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal images. The rendering components of Viv are provided as layers, facilitating image composition with existing layers and updating rendering properties within a reactive paradigm.

Rendering a pyramidal, multiplexed immunofluorescence OME-TIFF image of a human kidney using additive blending to render four image channels into a single RGB image in the client.

Set of Fiji plugins facilitating the systematic manual annotation of images or image-regions. From a list of user-defined keywords, these plugins generate an easy-to-use graphical interface with buttons or checkboxes for the assignment of single or multiple pre-defined categories to full images or individual regions of interest. In addition to qualitative annotations, any quantitative measurement from the standard Fiji options can also be automatically reported. Besides the interactive user interface, keyboard shortcuts are available to speed-up the annotation process for larger datasets.

The plugins can be installed by activating the Qualitative annotations update site in Fiji.


MoBIE (Multimodal Big Image Data Exploration) is a framework for sharing and interactive browsing of multimodal big image data. The MoBIE Fiji viewer is based on BigDataViewer and enables browsing of MoBIE datasets. 

It is also called Platybrowser, and uses the n5 format.


This macro toolset offers additional click tools for the rapid annotations of ROI in ImageJ/Fiji.

The ROI 1-click tools can be setup with a predefined shape, and custom actions to perform upon click (Add to ROI Manager, Run Measure, Go to next slice, run a macro command...)

To install in Fiji, just activate the ROI 1-click tools 


Deep learning based image restoration methods have recently been made available to restore images from under-exposed imaging conditions, increase spatio-temporal resolution (CARE) or self-supervised image denoising (Noise2Void). These powerful methods outperform conventional state-of-the-art methods and leverage down-stream analyses significantly such as segmentation and quantification.

To bring these new tools to a broader platform in the image analysis community, we developed a simple Jupyter based graphical user interface for CARE and Noise2Void, which lowers the burden for non-programmers and biologists to access these powerful methods in their daily routine.  CARE-less supports temporal, multi-channel image and volumetric data and many file formats by using the bioformats library. The user is guided through the different computation steps via inline documentation. For standard use cases, the graphical user interface exposes the most relevant parameters such as patch size and number of training iterations, while expert users still have access to advanced parameters such as U-net depth and kernel sizes. In addition, CARE-less provides visual outputs for training convergence and restoration quality. Any project settings can be stored and reused from command line for processing on compute clusters. The generated output files preserve important meta-data such as pixel sizes, axial spacing and time intervals.

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