Trajectory analysis


ELEPHANT is a platform for 3D cell tracking, based on incremental and interactive deep learning.
It implements a client-server architecture. The server is built as a web application that serves deep learning-based algorithms. The client application is implemented by extending Mastodon, providing a user interface for annotation, proofreading and visualization.


This plugin ships automated methods for extracting trajectories of multiples objects in a sequence of 2D or 3D images. Up to version 2 it was known as the ‘Probabilistic particle tracker’ plugin.

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Mean square displacement (MSD) analysis is a technique commonly used in colloidal studies and biophysics to determine what is the mode of displacement of particles followed over time. In particular, it can help determine whether the particle is:

  • freely diffusing;
  • transported;
  • bound and limited in its movement.

On top of this, it can also derive an estimate of the parameters of the movement, such as the diffusion coefficient.

@msdanalyzer is a MATLAB per-value class that helps performing this kind of analysis. The user provides several trajectories he measured, and the class can derive meaningful quantities for the determination of the movement modality, assuming that all particles follow the same movement model and sample the same environment.

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Examples of tracks to perform MSD analysis.

Classification of trajectoire: need tracking results as input and will then classify the trajectories as  brownian motion, confined brownian or directed.

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MTrack is a tool, which detects, tracks, and measures the behavior of fluorescently labeled microtubules imaged by TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence) microscopy. In such an in vitro reconstitution approach, stabilized, non-dynamic microtubule seeds serve as nucleation points for dynamically growing microtubules.

MTrack is a bi-modular tool. The first module detects and tracks the growing microtubule ends and creates trajectories. The second module uses these trajectories to fit models of dynamic behavior (polymerization and depolymerization velocities, catastrophe and rescue frequencies). It also computes statistics such as length and lifetime distributions when analyzing more than one movie (batch mode).

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Track Filament shaped objects and analyze tracks using Ransac fits.