Object tracking


Cell tracking using MU-Lux-CZ algorithm. Dockerized Workflow for BIAFLOWS implemented by Martin Maska (Masaryk University).

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Nuclei tracking in 2D time-lapse with Octave tracker (adapted from Matlab LOBSTER version).

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Object tracking. For each time-frame, an image mask is obtained from median filtering (user defined radius), thresholding (user defined level) and hole filling. Convex objects are split apart by distance map watershed from regional intensity maxima (user defined noise tolerance), eroded (user defined radius) and analyzed as 3D particles (assuming some overlap between objects from a frame to the next frame). Finally, division events are analyzed and accounted for to relabel objects.

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Fiji plugin for detecting, tracking and quantifying filopodia

EB1 tracking with Matlab

Submitted by Perrine on Mon, 04/08/2019 - 11:05

This module follow EB1 tracking with IJ. In this session, we will visualize the tracking results and also cover typical analysis protocols for the quantitative analysis of movement. Two dynamic numerical features could be extracted from tracking results: speed and direction. Estimation of movement speed from multiple trajectories is a popular indicator of movement, and we will quickly go over the method for estimating the average speed of EB1 movement along microtubule. Movement direction is another quantitative feature, but is rarely explored.