Filament tracing

Filament tracing operations are image analysis operations in which there is an image of a filamentous structure (it may be a tree-like structure, a filament network or a agglomeration of single 'stick-like' filaments) as input and outputs data that represent the filament, most commonly a skeleton representation of the filaments and their diameters or surfaces.

Tubular structure extraction
biofilament tracing
Curvilinear structure reconstruction
Curvilinear structure detection
neuron image analysis
neuron reconstruction

"We have developed an automatic graph algorithm, called the all-path pruning (APP), to trace the 3D structure of a neuron. To avoid potential mis-tracing of some parts of a neuron, an APP first produces an initial over-reconstruction, by tracing the optimal geodesic shortest path from the seed location to every possible destination voxel/pixel location in the image. Since the initial reconstruction contains all the possible paths and thus could contain redundant structural components (SC), we simplify the entire reconstruction without compromising its connectedness by pruning the redundant structural elements, using a new maximal- covering minimal-redundant (MCMR) subgraph algorithm. We show that MCMR has a linear computational complexity and will converge. We examined the performance of our method using challenging 3D neuronal image datasets of model organisms (e.g. fruit fly)"

This plugin can be used with default parameters or user-defined parameters.


The Sprout Morphology plugin measures sprout number, length, width and cell density of endothelial cell (EC) sprouts grown in a bead sprouting assay. It optionally includes measuring the coverage of these sprouts with pericytes included in the assay, as well as the endothelial cell/pericyte ratio.

graphical abstract

SOAX is an open source software tool to extract the centerlines, junctions and filament lengths of biopolymer networks in 2D and 3D images. It facilitates quantitative, reproducible and objective analysis of the image data. The underlying method of SOAX uses multiple Stretching Open Active Contours (SOACs) that are automatically initialized at image intensity ridges and then stretch along the centerlines of filaments in the network. SOACs can merge, stop at junctions, and reconfigure with others to allow smooth crossing at junctions of filaments.

SOAX provides 3D visualization for exploring image data and visually checking results against the image. Quantitative analysis functions based on extracted networks are also implemented in SOAX, including spatial distribution, orientation, and curvature of filamentous structures. SOAX also provides interactive manual editing to further improve the extraction results, which can be saved in a file for archiving or further analysis. Useful for microtubules or actin filaments.

Observation: Depending on the operating system, the installation may or may not require Boost C++, ITK and VTK libraries. Windows has a standalone executable application without the need of those. 

snapshot microtubules soax

Image-processing algorithms developed at the MOSAIC Group for fluorescence microscopy. Tools included:

  • 2D/3D single-particle tracking tool which can be used to track bright spots in 2D/3D movies over time.
  • Optimal filament segmentation of 2D images. 
  • Curvature filters for image filtering, denoising, and restoration. 
  • Image naturalization for image enhancement based on gradient statistics of natural-scence images. 
  • Tool for automatically send and distribute jobs on clusters and get back the results.
  • Multi-region image segmentation of 2D and 3D images without needing to know the number of regions beforehand. 
  • Squassh for globally optimal segmentation of piecewise constant regions in 2D and 3D images and for object-based co-localization analysis. 
  • Tool for inferring spatial interactions between patterns of objects in images or between coordinates read from a file.
  • Tool for robust, histogram-based background subtraction well suited to correct for inhomogeneous illumination artifacts.
  • A tool to estimate the Point-Spread Function of the microscopy out of 2D fluorescence images.
  • A tool to measure the 3D Point-Spread Function of a confocal microscope from an image stack.
  • Addition of synthetic Poisson-distributed noise to an image in order to simulate shot noise of various signal-to-noise ratios. 
  • Convolution of an image with a Bessel function in order to simulate imaging with a microscope. 
  • A utility to detect bright spots in images and estimate their center. 
  • A utility to create manual segmentations to be used as ground truth to test and benchmark automatic segmentation algorithms.
  • A tool for replacing one color in an image with another color.
has topic

neuTube is a collection of neuron reconstruction tools from fluorescence microscope images. It has an interactive system with a 3D viewer, which can be clicked in 3D and perform neuron tracing automatically and semi-automatically. It can automatically recognize branching points as junctions. Traced neurons can be exported to swc format, which could be imported by various software packages. neuTube has Win and Mac OS standalone executable builds and may also be installed by manual compilation. In addition, neuTube can be used as a plugin in Vaa3D.

