Hela cells


ZeroCostDL4Mic: exploiting Google Colab to develop a free and open-source toolbox for Deep-Learning in microscopy

ZeroCostDL4Mic is a collection of self-explanatory Jupyter Notebooks for Google Colab that features an easy-to-use graphical user interface. They are meant to quickly get you started on learning to use deep-learning for microscopy. 

need a thumbnail

SRRF is a high-performance analytical approach for Live-cell Super-Resolution Microscopy, provided as a fast GPU-enabled ImageJ plugin. SRRF is capable of extracting high-fidelity super-resolution information from TIRF, widefield and confocals using conventional fluorophores such as GFP. SRRF is capable of live-cell imaging over timescales ranging from minutes to hours.

Comparison TIRF - SRRF

These two similar KNIME workflow solutions take 3D data stacks to segment the spots first, using local thresholding with subsequent morphological operations in order to remove noise. Colocalization is then defined by overlapping or center point distance between segmented objects. Further filtering such as overlapping ratio or distance range is done through KNIME table processing.

Two different types are available. 

  1. colocalization based on overlapping
  2. colocalization based on distance between object centers

Sample images: Smapp_Ori files

Chapter 4 in the documentation.