

Rivuletpy dockerised workflow for BIAFLOWS.

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Vaa3d All-Path-Pruning 2.0 (APP2) dockerised workflow for BIAFLOWS.

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Web based viewer developped for google for very big data: 

Neuroglancer is a WebGL-based viewer for volumetric data. It is capable of displaying arbitrary (non axis-aligned) cross-sectional views of volumetric data, as well as 3-D meshes and line-segment based models (skeletons). The segmentation has to be done before loading the dataset, it is not done Inside the viewer.

This is not an official Google product.

It has among other the nice feature of beeing able to generate url for sharing a specific view.

Note that the only supported browser for now are 

  • Chrome >= 51
  • Firefox >= 46



"The Microscope Image Analysis Toolbox MiToBo is an extension for the widely used image processing application ImageJ and its new release ImageJ 2.0.
MiToBo ships with a set of operators ready to be used as plugins in ImageJ. They focus on the analysis of biomedical images acquired by various types of microscopes."