Image segmentation

Image segmentation is (one of) the (few) concept(s) on the border between Image (pre)processing (Image->Image) and Image analysis (Image->Data).


Blood vessels tracing in 3D image from Tubeness filtering (user defined scale), 3D opening (radius set to 2), thresholding (user defined level) and 3D skeletonization.

need a thumbnail

Starting from image stacks, the nuclear boundary as well as nuclear bodies are segmented. As output, NucleusJ automatically measures 15 parameters quantifying shape and size of nuclei as well as intra-nuclear objects and the positioning of the objects within the nuclear volume.

has function

LBADSA is based on the fitting of the Young-Laplace equation to the image data to measure drops.

has function

Dragonfly is a software platform for the intuitive inspection of multi-scale multi-modality image data. Its user-friendly experience translates into powerful quantitative findings with high-impact visuals, driven by nuanced easy-to-learn controls.

For segmentation: It provides an engine fior machine Learning, Watershed and superpixel methods, support histological data .

It offers a 3D viewer, and python scripting capacities .

It is free for reserach use, but not for commercial usage.
