Image segmentation

Image segmentation is (one of) the (few) concept(s) on the border between Image (pre)processing (Image->Image) and Image analysis (Image->Data).


SlideToolkit is a collection of command-line tools to assist with the automated histology analysis of whole-slide images. The publication linked in the "reference" details the actual workflow. 

This includes tools to organize the data, perform tiling and subsequent batch processing of the generated tiles in a cell profiler pipeline. All the tools are designed to run on a single PC or on a HPC system. The scripts in the toolkit are on github under MIT licence.

has topic

This workflow classifies, or segments, the pixels of an image given user annotations. It is especially suited if the objects of interests are visually (brightness, color, texture) distinct from their surrounding. Users can iteratively select pixel features and provide pixel annotations through a live visualization of selected feature values and current prediction responses. Upon users' satisfaction, the workflow then predicts the remaining unprocessed image(s) regions or new images (as batch processing). Users can export (as images of various formats): selected features, annotations, predicted classification probability, simple segmentation, etc. This workflow is often served as one of the first step options for other workflows offered by ilastik, such as object classification, automatic tracking.


Requires Matlab Runtime Environment or Matlab. Source code (m-files) are downloaded. Software availability: AVeMap was developed under MATLAB (MathWorks). It is available as an executable, multiplatform program, together with source codes and documentation here, and the source code is also available as Supplementary Software. For practical reasons, this executable version, which does not require MATLAB, runs on a single processor. For users who want to customize the software and/or need the power of parallel computing, an installation of MATLAB with its 'parallel' and 'image processing' toolboxes is needed. Note that, even with the executable version, the velocity fields are stored for further analysis. The add-on AVeMap+ uses these AVeMap-computed velocity fields to generate heat map tables. It is available with the same link.

need a thumbnail

In this example, cells are grown as a tissue monolayer. Rather than identifying individual cells, this pipeline quantifies the area occupied by the tissue sample.


Download package also contains example images. 


This workflow classifies objects based on object-level features (e.g. intensity based, morphology based, etc) and user annotations. It needs segmentation images besides the raw image data. Segmentation images can be obtained from ilastik pixel classification, or binary segmentation images from other tools. Within the object classification, one can prefilter objects through thresholds (on pixel probability image) or object sizes (on segmentation image). Outputs are predicted classification label images. Selected features can also be exported. Advanced users also have possibilities to add customized (object) features for classification in a simple plugin fashion through python scripts.