

The software FishInspector provides automatic feature detections in images of zebrafish embryos (body size, eye size, pigmentation). It is Matlab-based and provided as a Windows executable (no matlab installation needed).

The recent version requires images of a lateral position. It is important that the position is precise since deviation may confound with feature annotations. Images from any source can be used. However, depending on the image properties parameters may have to be adjusted. Furthermore, images obtained with normal microscope and not using an automated position system with embryos in glass capillaries require conversion using a KNIME workflow (the workflow is available as well). As a result of the analysis the software provides JSON files that contain the coordinates of the features. Coordinates are provided for eye, fish contour, notochord , otoliths, yolk sac, pericard and swimbladder. Furthermore, pigment cells in the notochord area are detected. Additional features can be manually annotated. It is the aim of the software to provide the coordinates, which may then be analysed subsequently to identify and quantify changes in the morphology of zebrafish embryos.

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The best way to start writing an ImageJ2 plugin (ImageJ2 developers call it command and not plugin) is to download the example command from github and modify it. There is a video tutorial on the whole workflow on how to do this on youtube.

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Scikit-learn (sklearn) is a python library used for machine learning. sklearn contains simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis. Modules and functions include those for classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model selection and data preprocessing. Many people have contributed to sklearn (list of authors)

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3-D density kernel estimation (DKE-3-D) method, utilises an ensemble of random decision trees for counting objects in 3D images. DKE-3-D avoids the problem of discrete object identification and segmentation, common to many existing 3-D counting techniques, and outperforms other methods when quantification of densely packed and heterogeneous objects is desired. 


The Jupyter Notebook is the original web application for creating and sharing computational documents. It offers a simple, streamlined, document-centric experience.

Try Jupyter ( is a site for trying out the Jupyter Notebook, equipped with kernels for several different languages (Julia, R, C++, Scheme, Ruby) without installing anything. Click the link below to go to the page.

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