
A collection is a software that encapsulate a set of bioimage components and/or workflows.


ilastik is a simple, user-friendly tool for interactive image classification, segmentation and analysis. It is built as a modular software framework, which currently has workflows for automated (supervised) pixel- and object-level classification, automated and semi-automated object tracking, semi-automated segmentation and object counting without detection. Most analysis operations are performed lazily, which enables targeted interactive processing of data subvolumes, followed by complete volume analysis in offline batch mode. Using it requires no experience in image processing.

ilastik (the image learning, analysis, and segmentation toolkit) provides non-experts with a menu of pre-built image analysis workflows. ilastik handles data of up to five dimensions (time, 3D space, and spectral dimension). Its workflows provide an interactive experience to give the user immediate feedback on the quality of the results yielded by her chosen parameters and/or labelings.

The most commonly used workflow is pixel classification, which requires very little parameter tuning and instead offers a machine learning technique for segmenting an image based on local image features computed for each pixel.

Other workflows include:

Object classification: Similar to pixel classification, but classifies previously segmented objects by object characteristics in a subsequent step

Autocontext: This workflow improves the pixel classification workflow by running it in multiple stages and showing each pixel the results of the previous stage.

Carving: Semi-automated segmentation of 3D objects (e.g. neurons) based on user-provided seeds

Manual Tracking: Semi-automated cell tracking of 2D+time or 3D+time images based on manual annotations

Automated tracking: Fully-automated cell tracking of 2D+time or 3D+time images with some parameter tuning

Density Counting: Learned cell population counting based on interactively provided user annotation

Strengths: interactive, simple interface (for non-experts), few parameters, larger-than-RAM data, multi-dimensional data (time, 3D space, channel), headless operation, batch mode, parallelized computation, open source

Weaknesses: Pre-built workflows (not reconfigurable), no plugin system, visualization sometimes buggy, must import 3D data to HDF5, tracking requires an external CPLEX installation

Supported Formats: hdf5, tiff, jpeg, png, bmp, pnm, gif, hdr, exr, sif


Imaris is a software for data visualization, analysis, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy images. It performs interactive volume rendering that lets users freely navigate even very large datasets (hundreds of GB). It performs both manual and automated detection and tracking of biological “objects” such as cells, nuclei, vesicles, neurons, and many more. ImarisSpots for example is a tool to detect “spherical objects” and track them in time series. Besides the automated detection it gives the user the ability to manually delete and place new spots in 3D space. ImarisCell is a tool to detect nuclei, cell boundaries and vesicles and track these through time. ImarisFilament is a module that lets users trace neurons and detect spines. For any detected object Imaris computes a large set of statistics values such as volume, surface area, maximum intensity of first channel, number of vesicles per cell etc. These values can be exported to Excel and statistics software packages. The measurements can also be analyzed directly within ImarisVantage which is a statistics tool that provides the link back to the 3D objects and the original image data. Strengths: - good visualization - user friendly interface - reads most microscopy file formats - image analysis workflows are very easy to apply - interactive editing of objects to correct errors during automatic detection - large data visualization (hundreds of GB)

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This library gives the numpy-based infrastructure functions for image processing with a focus on bioimage informatics. It provides image filtering and morphological processing as well as feature computation (both image-level features such as Haralick texture features and SURF local features). These can be used with other Python-based libraries for machine learning to build a complete analysis pipeline.

Mahotas is appropriate for users comfortable with programming or builders of end-user tools.

==== Strengths

The major strengths are in speed and quality of documentation. Almost all of the functionality is implemented in for multiple dimensions. It can be used with other Python packages which provide additional functionality.

Mahotas and all packages on which it relies are open-source.

A General purpose image processing toolkit written in C++ based on ITK, VTK, Qt, and Boost. Main features: algorithms for cell segmentation, cell tracing, cell tracking, and vessel tracing. Registration and mosaicing algorithms for large scale datasets. Visualization tools actively linked to inspect and edit results. Strengths: - Open-source, free, multi platform, code is highly parallelized, uses git for version control - Large scale processing, also efficient visualization of such datasets. - Active learning module for classification - Most of the algorithms have been extended to handle 16-bit images, and 3D Images. - Possibility to create complex pipelines thanks to it’s modular architecture - Editing tools are designed to save the editing operation which can later be used to validate the algorithms performance - Advance preprocessing algorithms like curvelets, tensor voting, and wrappers around ITK-algorithms - Multiple viewers included to inspect results such as: Histograms, scatter plots, tables, kymograph, all of them linked together. - Strong emphasis to work on multichannel images (up to 40 channels) - Rich number of cell features included Weakness: - GUI is suboptimal compared to commercial packages. - Tracking module requires an external library CPLEX. - No support for brightfield images - No native interoperability with other software packages - More documentation needed / tutorial needed
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Definiens is a commercial image segmentation and classification tool. The user designs a signal processing workflow by combining built-in filtering, thresholding and object classification modules. Object detection is typically done on hierarchical object levels, e.g cell level for cell objects and organelle level Nucleus and ER obejcts inside a cell object. For each object, a huge set of features (shape-based, intensity based, relations to neighbor objects...) is available and can be used for object classification or merging with neighboring objects. The classical definiens workflow is the so called bottom-up approach: In a first step, the image is segmented in numerous small objects, resulting in a heavy oversegmentation of of the target objects. Objects are then fused step by step on basis of features like “relative border to neighbor object” or “elliptic fit of resulting (fused) object”. Objects can assigned to different classes (like “nucleus” or “cancer cell”), based on their features. Weaknesses: -complex to use -closed (no API) -very expensive -relatively slow (you have to buy one license for each core) -bad 3D-visualization -time lapse analysis is possible but complicated Strengths: -powerful method to classify objects based on multiple features -2D data, especially histological data -good training material to learn software usage -detailed documentation
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