
A collection is a software that encapsulate a set of bioimage components and/or workflows.


SIMToolbox: a MATLAB toolbox for structured illumination microscopy SIMToolbox is an open-source, modular set of functions for MATLAB designed for processing data acquired by structured illumination microscopy. Both optical sectioning and super-resolution applications are supported. The software is also capable of maximum a posteriori probability image estimation (MAP-SIM), an alternative method for reconstruction of structured illumination images. MAP-SIM can potentially reduce reconstruction artifacts, which commonly occur due to refractive index mismatch within the sample and to imperfections in the illumination. 2665


An easy-to-use plugin that provides SR-SIM reconstructions for a wide range of SR-SIM platforms directly within ImageJ. For research groups developing their own implementations of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy, fairSIM takes away the hurdle of generating yet another implementation of the reconstruction algorithm. For users of commercial microscopes, it offers an additional, in-depth analysis option for their data independent of specific operating systems. As a modular, open-source solution, fairSIM can easily be adapted, automated and extended as the field of SR-SIM progresses. 2662


has function
from FairSIM documentation

It is a tool to visualize and annotate volume image data of electron microscopy. Users can annotate objects (e.g. neurons) and skeleton structures. It provides the ability to overlaying the image data with user annotations, representing the spatial structure and the connectivity of labeled objects, and displaying a three dimensional model of it. It can be extended by plugins written in python. A similar, web-based implementation is being developed at Example datasets are also available.

Annotation in Knossos

MorphoLibJ is a library of plugin for ImageJ with functionalities for image processing such as filtering, reconstructing, segmenting, etc... Tools are based on Mathematical morphology with more rigorous mathematical approach than in the standard tools of ImageJ in particular for surface (or perimeter) measurements which are usually based on voxel counting.

Among the features:

Morphological operations :  Dilation, Erosion, Opening,  Closing , Top hat (white and black), Morphological gradient (aka Beucher Gradient), Morphological Laplacian, Morphological reconstruction, Maxima/Minima , Extended Maxima/Minima -Watershed (classic or controlled) -Image overlay -Image labelling -Geodesic diameter -Region Adjacency Graph -Granulometry curves, morphological image analysis.


several steps of morphological segmentation of plant tissue using MorphoLibJ.

neuTube is a collection of neuron reconstruction tools from fluorescence microscope images. It has an interactive system with a 3D viewer, which can be clicked in 3D and perform neuron tracing automatically and semi-automatically. It can automatically recognize branching points as junctions. Traced neurons can be exported to swc format, which could be imported by various software packages. neuTube has Win and Mac OS standalone executable builds and may also be installed by manual compilation. In addition, neuTube can be used as a plugin in Vaa3D.

