
A collection is a software that encapsulate a set of bioimage components and/or workflows.


LocAlization Microscopy Analyzer (LAMA) is a software tool that contains several well-established data post processing algorithms for single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) data. LAMA has implemented algorithms for cluster analysis, colocalization analysis, localization precision estimation and image registration. LAMA works with a graphical user interface (GUI), and accepts simple input data formats as supported by various single- molecule localization software tools.


Localization-based super-resolution techniques open the door to unprecedented analysis of molecular organization. This task often involves complex image processing adapted to the specific topology and quality of the image to be analyzed. SR-Tesseler is an open-source segmentation software using Voronoï tessellation constructed from the coordinates of localized molecules. It allows precise, robust and automatic quantification of protein organization at different scales, from the cellular level down to clusters of a few fluorescent markers. SR-Tesseler is insensitive to cell shape, molecular organization, background and noise, allowing comparing efficiently different biological conditions in a non-biased manner, and perform quantifications on various proteins and cell types. SR-Tesseler software comes with a very simple and intuitive graphical user interface, providing direct visual feedback of the results and is freely available under GPLv3 license.

Density map of a neuron extracted from the Voronoï diagram

AIR Tools is a MATLAB software package for tomographic reconstruction (and other imaging problems) consisting of a number of algebraic iterative reconstruction methods.

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Cytomine is a rich internet application using modern web and distributed technologies (Grails, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Docker), databases (spatial SQL and NoSQL), and machine learning (tree-based approaches with random subwindows) to foster active and distributed collaboration and ease large-scale image exploitation.

It provides remote and collaborative principles, rely on data models that allow to easily organize and semantically annotate imaging datasets in a standardized way (using user-defined ontologies associated to regions of interest), efficiently support high-resolution multi-gigapixel images (incl. major digital scanner image formats), and provide mechanisms to readily proofread and share image quantifications produced by any image recognition algorithms.

By emphasizing collaborative principles, the aim of Cytomine is to accelerate scientific progress and to significantly promote image data accessibility and reusability. Cytomine allows to break common practices in this domain where imaging datasets, quantification results, and associated knowledge are still often stored and analyzed within the restricted circle of a specific laboratory.

This software is e.g. being used by life scientists in to help them better evaluate drug treatments or understand biological processes directly from whole-slide tissue images (digital histology), by pathologists to share and ease their diagnosis, and by teachers and students for pathology training purposes. It is also used in various microscopy applications.

Cytomine can be used as a stand-alone application (e.g. on a laptop) or on larger servers for collaborative works.

Cytomine implements object classification, image segmentation, content-based image retrieval, object counting, and interest point detection algorithms using machine learning.

cytomine logo
A commercial software traditionally used in Industry and Engineering/Science to enable fast software development and deployment of a very broad range of devices control. Labview enables graphically oriented programming (no text-based coding) and offers many ready-made tools to perform basic tasks on complex data (including image data), maths operation, data handling and representation. For Image processing and analysis, Labview offers the integrated "NI Vision" tool, used in image-based quality control of production lines with a broad selection of Image-based filters/operations. In microscopy, Labview can be used efficiently to perform any kind of instrument control, and in particular "Feedback Microscopy" (also called intelligent microscopy, etc...) where the live analysis of a captured image will update the target of the microscope to make it understand where to image efficiently.
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