Watershed segmentation

Watershed is the term that commonly refers to a mathematical morphology operation that treats a grayscale image as a topographic map and segments the image. The segmentation is performed by a succesive 'flooding' operation from minima in the image starting from different points and separates the image in different catchment basins.|Needs a comment about the relation between the Watershed and Region growing.

Watershed transformation
Watershed-based segmentation

Morphological Segmentation is an ImageJ/Fiji plugin that combines morphological operations, such as extended minima and morphological gradient, with watershed flooding algorithms to segment grayscale images of any type (8, 16 and 32-bit) in 2D and 3D. Morphological Segmentation runs on any open grayscale image, single 2D image or (3D) stack. If no image is open when calling the plugin, an Open dialog will pop up. The user can pan, zoom in and out, or scroll between slices (if the input image is a stack) in the main canvas as if it were any other ImageJ window. On the left side of the canvas there are three panels of parameters, one for the input image, one with the watershed parameters and one for the output options. All buttons, checkboxes and input panels contain a short explanation of their functionality that is displayed when the cursor lingers over them. Image pre-processing: some pre-processing is included in the plugin to facilitate the segmentation task. However, other pre-preprocessing may be required depending on the input image. It is up to the user to decide what filtering may be most appropriate upstream.

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This macro is meant to segment the cells of a multicellular tissue. It is written for images showing highly contrasted and uniformly stained cell membranes. The geometry of the cells and their organization is automatically extracted and exported to an ImageJ results table. This includes: Cell area, major, minor fitted ellipse radii + major axis orientation and number of neighbors of the cells. Manual correction of the automatic segmentation is supported (merge split cells, split merged cells).

Sample image data is available in the documentation page. 


This library gives the numpy-based infrastructure functions for image processing with a focus on bioimage informatics. It provides image filtering and morphological processing as well as feature computation (both image-level features such as Haralick texture features and SURF local features). These can be used with other Python-based libraries for machine learning to build a complete analysis pipeline.

Mahotas is appropriate for users comfortable with programming or builders of end-user tools.

==== Strengths

The major strengths are in speed and quality of documentation. Almost all of the functionality is implemented in for multiple dimensions. It can be used with other Python packages which provide additional functionality.

Mahotas and all packages on which it relies are open-source.


Semi-automated segmentation of 3D objects (e.g. neurons) based on user-provided seeds.

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