Icy Protocols


Spot detection in 3D images by Wavelet Adaptive Threshold in Icy.

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This is an example workflow of how to perform automatic registration by

- first detecting spots in both images using wavelet segmentation (with different scale according to the image scale)

- second using Ec-Clem autofinder to register both images

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testWorkflowtestWorkflowtestWorkflowimage map example
Workflow results

For each ROI, provides the ratio of pixels over a given threshold over the total number of pixels in the ROI.

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This protocol perform a median filter on the active sequence using the ImageJ rank filter plugin. Then, it converts the result back into Icy for display.

An example showing passing data between ICY and ImageJ using ImagePlus object. 


Tracks a cell in a 2D video using active contours, and produces a list of ROI where intensity is measured and reported into a workbook. The cell must be first delineated with a ROI in the first image of the video.

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