Rigid registration

Parametric (global) registration restricted to rigid transformations (translation and rotation).

Rigid image registration

TeraStitcher is a free tool that enables the stitching of Teravoxel-sized tiled microscopy images even on workstations with relatively limited resources of memory (<8 GB) and processing power. It exploits the knowledge of approximate tile positions and uses ad-hoc strategies and algorithms designed for such very large datasets. The produced images can be saved into a multiresolution representation to be efficiently visualized (e.g. Vaa3D-TeraFly) and processed.


The Multiview Reconstruction software package enables users to register, fuse, deconvolve and view multiview microscopy images. The software is designed for lightsheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM), but is applicable to any form of three or higher dimensional imaging modalities like confocal timeseries or multicolor stacks. 

need a thumbnail

The BigDataViewer is a re-slicing browser for terabyte-sized multi-view image sequences. BigDataViewer was developed with multi-view light-sheet microscopy data in mind and integrates well with Fiji's SPIMage processing pipeline.


The BigStitcher is a software package that allows simple and efficient alignment of multi-tile and multi-angle image datasets, for example acquired by lightsheet, widefield or confocal microscopes. The software supports images of almost arbitrary size ranging from very small images up to volumes in the range of many terabytes, which are for example produced when acquiring cleared tissue samples with lightsheet microscopy.


This is an example workflow of how to perform automatic registration by

- first detecting spots in both images using wavelet segmentation (with different scale according to the image scale)

- second using Ec-Clem autofinder to register both images

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testWorkflowtestWorkflowtestWorkflowimage map example
Workflow results