ImageJ Macros


We have developed WormScan, an automated image acquisition system that allows quantitative analysis of each of these four phenotypes on standard NGM plates seeded with E. coli. This system is very easy to implement and has the capacity to be used in high-throughput analysis.


Protein array is used to analyze protein expressions by screening simultaneously several protein-molecule interactions such as protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. In most cases, the detection of interactions leads to an image containing numerous lines of spots that will be analyzed by comparing tables of intensity values. To describe the observed different patterns of expression, users generally show histograms with the original associated images [1]. The “Protein Array Analyzer” gives a friendly way to exploit this type of analysis, thus allowing quantification, image modeling and comparative analysis of patterns.

The Protein Array Analyzer, which was programmed in ImageJ’s macro language, is an extention of the Dot Blot Analyzer, [2], [3] a graphically interfaced tool that greatly simplifying analysis of dot arrays.


This workflow detects spots from a 3D image by using straightforward set of ImageJ components. It receives the Laplacian Radius and the Threshold  value s input.

has function
need a thumbnail