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The ICP algorithm takes two point clouds as an input and return the rigid transformation (rotation matrix R and translation vector T), that best aligns the point clouds. Example: [R,T] = icp(q,p,10); Aligns the points of p to the points q with 10 iterations of the algorithm. The transformation is then applied using R*p + repmat(T,1,length(p)); The file has implemented both point to point and point to plane as well as a couple of other features such as extrapolation, weighting functions, edge point rejection, etc.

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MosaicIA is a tool to analyze the spatial distribution of objects in images. It estimates from an observed particle or object distribution what hypothetical interaction between the objects is most likely to have created this distribution.

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Pandore is a standardized library of image processing operators. The current version contains image processing operators that operate on grayscale, color and multispectral, 1D, 2D and 3D images.

Link: Operator Index

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Quote: *A GUI-based program which manually detects spots and places them into previously detected meshes. Currently the program runs from MATLAB only. *

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Quote: *SpotFinderZ (from now on simply SpotFinder) detects round, usually diffraction-limited spots inside bacterial cells outlined with MicrobeTracker and places them into the meshes structure produced by MicrobeTracker. The program is written in MATLAB and saves the data in the MicrobeTracker format by appending additional fields.*

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