Spot detection

Seed point detection

The interactive Watershed Fiji plugin provides an interactive way to explore local maxima and threshold values while a resulting label map is updated on the fly.

After the user has found a reliable parameter configuration, it is possible to apply the same parameters to other images in a headless mode, for example via ImageJ macro scripting.


Acquiarium is open source software (GPL) for carrying out the common pipeline of many spatial cell studies using fluorescence microscopy. It addresses image capture, raw image correction, image segmentation, quantification of segmented objects and their spatial arrangement, volume rendering, and statistical evaluation.

It is focused on quantification of spatial properties of many objects and their mutual spatial relations in a collection of many 3D images. It can be used for analysis of a collection of 2D images or time lapse series of 2D or 3D images as well. It has a modular design and is extensible via plug-ins. It is a stand-alone, easy to install application written in C++ language. The GUI is written using cross-platform wxWidgets library.

Acquiarium functionalities diagram

The freely available software module below is a 3D LoG filter. It applies a LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian or Mexican Hat) filter to a 2D image or to 3D volume. Here, we have a fast implementation. It is a perfect tool to enhance spots, like spherical particles, in noisy images. This module is easy to tune, only by selecting the standard deviations in X, Y and Z directions.

IJ Macro command example
run("LoG 3D", "sigmax=1 sigmay=1 sigmaz=13 displaykernel=0 volume=1");

An ImageJ plugin for DEFCoN, the fluorescence spot counter based on fully convolutional neural networks

has topic

Part of ATLAS software

Comment / Instructions: 

You can upload your image at the Mobyle@SERPICO portal and download the result. The workflow is only available online, i.e. no download possible.