

TissUUmaps is a browser-based tool for fast visualization and exploration of millions of data points overlaying a tissue sample. TissUUmaps can be used as a web service or locally in your computer, and allows users to share regions of interest and local statistics.


CellStich proposes a set of tools for 3D segmentation from 2D segmentation: it reassembles 2D labels obtained from cell in slices in unique 3D labels across slices. It isparticularly robust to anisotropy, and is the ideal companion to cellpose 2D models or other 2D deep learning based models. One could also think about using it for cell tracking by overlap (using time as a third dimension).


Image segmentation and object detection performance measures

The goal of this package is to provide easy-to-use tools for evaluation of the performance of segmentation methods in biomedical image analysis and beyond, and to fasciliate the comparison of different methods by providing standardized implementations. This package currently only supports 2-D image data.

has function

SuperDSM is a globally optimal segmentation method based on superadditivity and deformable shape models for cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images and beyond.