
The Image Data Explorer is a Shiny app that allows the interactive visualization of images and ROIs associated with data points shown in a scatter plot. It is useful for exploring the relationships between images/ROIs and associated data represented in tabular format. Additional functionalities include data annotation, dimensionality reduction and classification and feature selection.

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The goal of mamut2r is to imports data coming from .xml files generated with the Fiji MaMuT plugin for lineage and tracking of biological objects. {mamut2r} also allows to create lineage plots.

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CRImage a package to classify cells and calculate tumour cellularity

CRImage provides functionality to process and analyze images, in particular to classify cells in biological images. Furthermore, in the context of tumor images, it provides functionality to calculate tumour cellularity.

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shinyHTM is an open source, web-based tool for data exploration, image visualization and normalization of High Throughput Microscopy data. Within shinyHTM the user is guided through a linear workflow which follows the following best practices:

  • Inspect the numerical data through plotting
  • Measurements are linked to raw images
  • Perform quality control to exclude images with aberrations or where image analysis failed
  • Perform a reproducible data analysis
  • Normalize data and report statistical significance

Image visualization relies on Fiji/ImageJ, along with its wealth of analytical tools.

shinyHTM can be used to analyze image features obtained with CellProfiler, ImageJ or any other bioimage analysis software. The output of analysis is a publication-ready scoring of the data.

shinyHTM is based on the R shiny package.


SimpleITK provides a simplified interface to ITK in a variety of languages. A user can either download pre-built binaries, if they are available for the desired platform and language, or SimpleITK can be built from the source code. Currently, Python binaries are available on Microsoft Windows, GNU Linux and Mac OS X. C# and Java binaries are available for Windows. We are also working towards supporting R packaging.

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