

BioImageXD is a free open source software package for analyzing, processing and visualizing multi-dimensional microscopy images. It's a collaborative project, designed and developed by microscopists, cell biologists and software engineers from the Universities of Jyväskylä and Turku in Finland, Max Planck Institute CBG in Dresden, Germany and collaborators worldwide. BioImageXD was published in the July 2012 issue of Nature Methods.

Screen capture of BioImageXD

Advanced Cell Classifier is a data analyzer program to evaluate cell-based high-content screens and tissue section images developed at the Biological Research Centre, Szeged and FIMM, Helsinki (formerly at ETH Zurich). The basic aim is to provide a very accurate analysis with minimal user interaction using advanced machine learning methods.

Advanced Cell Classifier

The ImageJFX Project aims to create a new user interface for the software ImageJ in order to ease scientific image analysis. While keeping the core components of ImageJ, ImageJFX brings scientists closer to their goal by making the interface clearer for beginners and more practical for advanced users.

ImageJFX screen Capture

QuantCenter is the framework for 3DHISTECH image analysis applications. with the goal of helping the pathologists to diagnose in an easier way. QuantCenter, is optimized for whole slide quantification. It has a linkable algorithm concept that tries to provide an easy-to-use and logical workflow. The user has different quantification modules that he or she could link one after other to fine-tune or to speed up the analysis.

QuantCenter logo

ASAP is an open source platform for visualizing, annotating and automatically analyzing whole-slide histopathology images. It consists of several key-components (slide input/output, image processing, viewer) which can be used seperately. It is built on top of several well-developed open source packages like OpenSlide, Qt and OpenCV but also tries to extend them in several meaningful ways.

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