

The ultimate goal of the NET framework is to make images of networks processable by computers. Therefore we want to have a pixel based image as input, as output we want a representation of the network visible in the image that retains as much information about the original network as possible. NET achives this by first segmenting the image and then vectorizing the network and then extracting information. The information we extract is

  • First and foremost the graph of the network. We find the crossings (nodes) and connections between crossings (edges) and therefore extract information about the neighborhood relations, the topology of the network.
  • We also extract the coordinates of all nodes which enables us to embed them into space. We therefore extract information about the geometry of the network.
  • Last but not least we track the radii of the edges in the extraction process. Therefore every edge has a radius which can be identified with its conductivity.

In the following we will first provide detailed instructions on how to install NET on several platforms. Then we describe the functionality and options of each of the four scripts that make up the NET framework.

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This plugin tags all pixel/voxels in a skeleton image and then counts all its junctions, triple and quadruple points and branches, and measures their average and maximum length.

Tags are shown in a new window displaying every tag in a different color. You can find it under [Plugins>Skeleton>Analyze Skeleton (2D/3D)]. See Skeletonize3D for an example of how to produce skeleton images.

The voxels are classified into three different categories depending on their 26 neighbors: - End-point voxels: if they have less than 2 neighbors. - Junction voxels: if they have more than 2 neighbors. - Slab voxels: if they have exactly 2 neighbors.

End-point voxels are displayed in blue, slab voxels in orange and junction voxels in purple.

Notice here that, following this notation, the number of junction voxels can be different from the number of actual junctions since some junction voxels can be neighbors of each other.


Output data type: table result, image of the skeleton



SOAX is an open source software tool to extract the centerlines, junctions and filament lengths of biopolymer networks in 2D and 3D images. It facilitates quantitative, reproducible and objective analysis of the image data. The underlying method of SOAX uses multiple Stretching Open Active Contours (SOACs) that are automatically initialized at image intensity ridges and then stretch along the centerlines of filaments in the network. SOACs can merge, stop at junctions, and reconfigure with others to allow smooth crossing at junctions of filaments.

SOAX provides 3D visualization for exploring image data and visually checking results against the image. Quantitative analysis functions based on extracted networks are also implemented in SOAX, including spatial distribution, orientation, and curvature of filamentous structures. SOAX also provides interactive manual editing to further improve the extraction results, which can be saved in a file for archiving or further analysis. Useful for microtubules or actin filaments.

Observation: Depending on the operating system, the installation may or may not require Boost C++, ITK and VTK libraries. Windows has a standalone executable application without the need of those. 

snapshot microtubules soax

ImageJ native "Skeletonize" implementation. - works only with 8-bit binary image. A faster implementation is available as a plugin Skeletonize3D written by Ignacio Arganda-Carreras. Pros of this plugin is summarized here.

need a thumbnail

Evaluates the orientation of fiber orientation pattern and plots the results in the image. It calculates gradient in x and y direction. - then calculates the eigenvector of nematic tensor, which is the orientation of the pattern.