
A workflow is a set of components assembled in some specific order to

  1. Measure and estimate some numerical parameters of the biological system or
  2. Visualization

for addressing a biological question. Workflows can be a combination of components from the same or different software packages using several scripts and manual steps.

Lecture Bio-image analysis, biostatistics, programming and machine learning for computational biology at the Biotechnology Center, TU Dresden, 2021

Thie lecture is for Python beginners who want to dive into image processing with Python. It specifically aims for students and scientists working with microscopy images in the life sciences. We start with python basics, dive into descriptive statistics for working with measurements and matplotlib for plotting results.

Customizing ImageJ

These slides give an introduction to user interfacre customization in ImageJ using ImageJ Macro and to ImageJ Macro Markdown.

Big thanks to Jerome Mutterer (IBMP) and Nicolas De Francesco (IMBICE) who shared material openly I reused when making these slides.

Supplementary material is available as well under this doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4561714