Lecture Bio-image analysis, biostatistics, programming and machine learning for computational biology at the Biotechnology Center, TU Dresden, 2021
Thie lecture is for Python beginners who want to dive into image processing with Python. It specifically aims for students and scientists working with microscopy images in the life sciences. We start with python basics, dive into descriptive statistics for working with measurements and matplotlib for plotting results. Furthermore, we will process images with numpy, scipy, scikit-image and clEsperanto. We will explore napari and Fiji for interactive image data analysis. Finally, we will use scikit-learn, CellPose and StarDist to process images using machine learning techniques.
Tool(s) used for training
Trainer(s)/ presenter(s)
Robert Haase, DFG Cluster of Excellence, "Physics of Life", TU Dresden
Topics covered
Content type
Expected duration
has practical exercices
Additional keywords