Deformable registration

Deformable registration

Elastic registration

Correlia is an open-source ImageJ/FIJI plug-in for the registration of 2D multi-modal microscopy data-sets. The software is developed at ProVIS - Centre for Correlative Microscopy and is specifically designed for the needs of chemical microscopy involving various micrographs as well as chemical maps at different resolutions and field-of-views.


Align two images using intensity correlation, feature matching, or control point mapping

Together, Image Processing Toolbox™ and Computer Vision Toolbox™ offer four image registration solutions: interactive registration with a Registration Estimator app, intensity-based automatic image registration, control point registration, and automated feature matching. 

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It is an interactive front-end visualization for registration software based on Elasix (VTK/ITK)

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Non linear registration intensity based for MRI brain exams. To be applied after FLIRT

a brain mri

Elastix is a toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of (medical) images.

Elastix is based on the ITK library, and provides additional algorithms for image registration. 

The software can be run as a single-line command, making it easy to include in larger scripts or workflows. The user needs to edit a configuration file that contains all relevant parameters for registration: transformation model, metric used to comapre images, optimization algorithm, mutliscale pyramidal representation of images...

Nowadays elastix is accompanied by SimpleElastix, making it available in other languages like C++, Python, Java, R, Ruby, C# and Lua.

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