

Nessys: Nuclear Envelope Segmentation System


Nessys is a software written in Java for the automated identification of cell nuclei in biological images (3D + time). It is designed to perform well in complex samples, i.e when cells are particularly crowded and heterogeneous such as in embryos or in 3D cell cultures. Nessys is also fast and will work on large images which do not fit in memory.

Nessys also offers an interactive user interface for the curation and validation of segmentation results. Think of this as a 3D painter / editor. This editor can also be used to generate manually segmented images to use as ground truth for testing the accuracy of the automated segmentation method.

Finally Nessys, contains a utility for assessing the accuracy of the automated segmentation method. It works by comparing the result of the automated method to a manually generated ground truth. This utility will provide two types of output: a table with a number of metrics about the accuracy and an image representing a map of the mismatch between the result of the automated method and the ground truth.

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FluoRender is an interactive rendering tool for confocal microscopy data visualization. It combines the rendering of multi-channel volume data and polygon mesh data, where the properties of each dataset can be adjusted independently and quickly. The tool is designed especially for neurobiologists, allowing them to better visualize confocal data from fluorescently-stained brains, but it is also useful for other biological samples.


3Dscript is a plugin for Fiji/ImageJ for creating 3D and 4D animations of microscope data. In contrast to existing 3D visualization packages, animations are not keyframe-based, but are described by a natural language-based syntax.


SciView is an ImageJ/FIJI plugin for 3D visualization of images and meshes. It uses the Scenery and ClearVolume infrastructure. SciView integrates ImageJ2 functionality, including ImageJ Ops and ImageJ Mesh, to provide the ability to interact with image and mesh data in 3D and interface with the popular Fiji software ecosystem.

An update site is available:

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NanoJ-SQUIRREL (Super-resolution Quantitative Image Rating and Reporting of Error Locations) is a software package designed for assessing and mapping errors and artefacts within super-resolution images. This is achieved through quantitative comparison with a reference image of the same structure (typically a widefield, TIRF or confocal image). SQUIRREL produces quantitative maps of image quality and resolution as well as global image quality metrics.

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