Image analysis

General image analysis

The jicbioimage Python package makes it easy to explore microscopy data in a programmatic fashion (python).

Exploring images via coding means that the exploratory work becomes recorded and reproducible.

Furthermore, it makes it easier to convert the exploratory work into (semi) automated analysis work flows.


  • Built in functionality for working with microscopy data
  • Automatic generation of audit trails
  • Python integration Works with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4

arivis Vision4D is a modular software for working with multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size independent of available RAM. Many imaging systems, such as high speed confocal, Light Sheet/ SPIM and 2 Photon systems, can produce a huge amount of multi-channel data, which arivis Vision4D handles without constraints. Terabyte ready arivis Vision4D main functionality: Easy import of most image formats from microsopes as well as biological formats High performance interactive 3D / 4D rendering on standard PCs and laptops with 3D Graphics Support Intuitive tools for stitching and alignment to create large multi-dimensional image stacks Immediate 2D, 3D and 4D visualization, annotation and analysis regardless of image size Creation, import, and export of 4D Iso-surfaces Powerful Analysis Pipeline for 3D /4D image analysis (cell segmentation, tracking, annotation, quantitative measurement and statistics, etc) Semi-automatic/manual segmentation and tracking with interactive Track Editor Easy design and export of 3D / 4D High Resolution Movies Seamless integration of custom workflows via Matlab API and Python scripting Data sharing for collaboration A user friendly software, easy to learn and use for any life scientist

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ThunderSTORM is an open-source, interactive, and modular plug-in for ImageJ designed for automated processing, analysis, and visualization of data acquired by single molecule localization microscopy methods such as PALM and STORM. Our philosophy in developing ThunderSTORM has been to offer an extensive collection of processing and post-processing methods so that users can easily adapt the process of analysis to their data.

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Calculate the Fourier ring correlation (FRC). The FRC can be used as a resolution criterion for super resolution microscopy. The Plugin can display a plot of the FRC curve, along with the LOESS smoothed version of the curve. Finally it displays the threshold method used and the intersection of the FRC with the threshold, providing the FIRE number. It can be used on two open images or on pairs of images in batch mode. 2654 2655

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The "Angiogenesis Analyzer" allows analysis of cellular networks. Typically, it can detect and analyze the pseudo vascular organization of endothelial cells cultured in gel medium

...a simple tool to quantify the ETFA (Endothelial Tube Formation Assay) experiment images by extracting characteristic information of the network.

The outputs are network feature parameters.

Sample images

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