

Local Z Projector is an ImageJ2 plugin, available in Fiji, that can perform local-Z projection of a 3D stack, possibly over time, possibly very large.

LZP performs projection of a surface of interest on a 2D plane from a 3D image. It is a simple tool that focuses on usability and is designed to be adaptable to many different use cases and image quality.

  • It can work with 3D movies over time with multiple channels.
  • It can work with images much larger than available RAM out of the box.
  • It takes advantage of computers with multiple cores, and can be used in scripts.


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MSER based on implementation in imglib2 provided as an interactive GUI tool for spot detection in 2/3/4D images.



LaRoME = Label + Region Of Interest + Measure

Label image (aka Count Masks): An image in which pixels of an object have all the same value. Each object has a unique value.

Measurement image: An image in which pixels of an object have all the same value, corresponding to a measurement (Area, Angle, Mean...)

has function

Using a Hamamatsu slide scanner such as the NanoZoomer, you may end up with NDPI files that can't always be directly open in standard image analysis software such as ImageJ. NDPITools is a collection of software that can convert NDPI files to standard TIFF files, possibly cutting them into smaller JPEG or TIFF pieces that will better fit into your computer's memory. It comes with a bundle of plugins for ImageJ which enable the use of the software directly inside ImageJ with point-and-click.


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need a thumbnail

This small plugin demonstrates the use of OpenSlide in java: it  will extract an imageJ roi drawn from the thumbnail of the whole slide image, or the full image at the desired resolution from an hammatsu NDPI file. Note that z stack are not supported by openslide (neitheir ndpiS).

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