Landmark assignment

Landmark assignment

Labelling? Not allowed to stand alone, needs additional modifiers as means various things. Maybe not that relevant here. Anywhere else?

Reference point assignment
Fiducial placement
Seed point selection

This workflow predict landmark positions on images by using MSET landmark detection models.

has topic
has function
need a thumbnail

This workflow trains MSET landmark detection models from a dataset of annotated images.

has topic
has function
need a thumbnail

It is a trainable interest point (anatomical landmarks) detection algorithm. It requires images and interest point coordinates. It can run independantly (using csv files to describe coordinates) or it can be executed using Cytomine.


Typical application: Morphometric studies (e.g. in zebrafish/drosphila development)


Used in: Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge Automatic localization of interest points in zebrafish images with tree-based methods 

has function
Landmark detection example