
A collection is a software that encapsulate a set of bioimage components and/or workflows.


Bio Image Analysis tool from REF

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ICE (Image Composite Editor) is a fast, fully automatic software by Microsoft that can create large montages from overlapping images. Although it is tailored around the task of stitching together images from a photo camera, it also works on biological images taken from light and electron microscopes. It has limited command line options, which however could facilitate batch processing (…).


GelBandFitter is a user-friendly software specific for analysis of protein gels and estimation of relative protein content. Using non-linear regression methods to fit mathematical functions to densitometry profiles, it is able to estimate content from protein bands that partially overlap. The software is available either as Matlab code (Optimization toolbox required) or a Windows executable. Reference: Mitov, M. I., Greaser, M. L., & Campbell, K. S. (2009). GelBandFitter – A computer program for analysis of closely spaced electrophoretic and immunoblotted bands. Electrophoresis, 30(5), 848–851.

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GelBandFitter screenshot

Spotsizer is a software tool that automates analysis of large volumes of photographic images of growing microbes.

screenshot of the spotsizer gui

CellProfiler is free, open-source software for quantitative analysis of biological images.

CellProfiler is designed to enable biologists without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively measure cell or whole-organism phenotypes from thousands of images automatically. The researcher creates an analysis pipeline from modules that find cells and cell compartments, measure features of those cells to form a rich, quantitative dataset that characterizes the imaged site in all of its heterogeneity. CellProfiler is structured so that the most general and successful methods and strategies are the ones that are automatically suggested, but the user can override these defaults and pull from many of the basic algorithms and techniques of image analysis to solve harder problems. CellProfiler is extensible through plugins written in Python or for ImageJ. Strengths: Cells, Neurons, C. Elegans, 2D Fluorescent images, high-throughput screening, phenotype classification, multiple stains/site, interoperability, extensibility, machine learning, segmentation Limitations: largely limited to 2D, not well suited to manually-guided analysis or content review, image size limitations